Billionaires on Artificial Intelligence, AI (Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Jack Ma)

Let’s look at and discuss what Jack Ma, Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are saying about artificial intelligence, along with my own thoughts and ideas on the subject.

Jack Ma says;

“Every technological revolution causes social instability.”

“The first technology revolution caused World War 1. The second technology revolution caused World War 2, now this is the third one.”

Jack Ma, thinks that our technological revolution will be a good thing. He believes globalization will be good for the world and it needs to happen. He also says, the next 30 years are going to be painful and that people will work four hours per day, four days per week.

I believe the Journalist interviewing Jack Ma is spot on. When have politics and world Governments really worked together to bring the world closer? I’m not saying this could never happen but as of this article, the media is still trying to create another cold war with Russia.

Maybe it’s me but I’ve never heard President Trump or the U.S. Government even talk about artificial intelligence, mass future job losses and artificial intelligence regulations.

President Trump is always talking about bringing manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. from overseas. Sounds more like a President and baby boomer politicians that are out of touch with the future and what’s happening with technology.

I applaud Jack Ma’s efforts to meet with world leaders and Presidents but nothing is happening. The U.S. Government, has always waited until they have to do something before even thinking about doing it. I agree with Jack Ma, that this approach will not work and is not in line with technology and the future.

“You have to repair the roof when there is still sunshine.” ~ Jack Ma

Watching Mark Zuckerberg and his Attorney’s, take old school, baby boomer Senators to school was enlightening. Mark Zuckerberg was not sworn in and didn’t have to take an oath during his hearing before Congress. Who else can do that?

Will Intelligent Machines Develop Wisdom?

Jack Ma believes that humans will win over machines because machines are good with knowledge but humans have wisdom.

I respectfully disagree with Jack Ma that machines will never have human wisdom.

Wisdom, is defined as the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise. The soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience, knowledge, and good judgment.

Machines develop their experience based upon data (knowledge) and make the most logical decisions based upon the data they collect. Their decisions and actions are based upon a thought process that will be a million times greater than the smartest person. Humans make most of their decisions based upon their environmental programming and emotional reactive responses based upon this programming.

Most humans, cannot even hold two or more conflicting ideas in their mind without a lot of stress; this is called cognitive dissonance. Machines will be able to hold millions of conflicting ideas in their programming without any discomfort. They will also make logical decisions that are not biased by any emotional or pre-conceived biases.

See my article: Is Facebook And Social Media Psychologically Destroying This Generation?

I agree with Jack Ma that AI and data will and can improve people’s lives but there is always the possibility that it will also destroy many people lives as well. I also agree that for most people, the future will be painful.

Another thing that is troubling, is the wisdom that people are using when it comes to managing technology today. It seems that technology is managing a lot of people. How many people do you see staring into their phone, programmed to answer every call or message and addicted to social media?

Has advanced cellular technology, social media and a fast Internet that gives us instant access to more knowledge and information than ever before, improved a lot of people’s lives?

If humanity is struggling to manage lower Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), then what happens when Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) happens? How will humans be able to handle and keep pace with Artificial Superintelligence (ASI)?

Cyborgification and Transhumanism, the New Human Evolution?  

I believe, we will see Cyborgification and Transhumanism continue to become the new human evolution, especially, as we move closer to Artificial General Intelligence AGI.

To get an idea of the power I’m talking about, check out the movie AlphaGo on Netflix and keep in mind that you’re watching lower Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI).

Keep in mind, AI beat the top player in the world at “Go” a decade earlier than expected.

I really like Jack Ma’s ideology about a machine having intelligence and people having heart intelligence, but how have people’s emotional heart energy served us so far in this world, especially when it comes to technology? If technological revolutions have caused two World Wars, as Jack Ma said, what will this technological revolution cause or create? When it comes to war and conflict with other countries, we don’t have an outstanding record of achievement in the U.S.

“I don’t think we should make a machine like a human” ~ Jack Ma

Truer words have never been spoken. Can you imagine advanced artificial intelligence that makes emotional decisions? What if it decides to hate something or someone, becomes jealous or believes something without any foundation of logical truth?

I would have a lot more faith in the next generation coming up, if they were not all staring into their cell phones and spending a huge amount of time on social media.

See my article: Are People Merging Into And With Their Smartphones?

How is Humanity Handling AI and Technology Now?

If people cannot even get together and spend time listening and talking with each other without staring into their phones or answering them every time they have a message, isn’t the heart energy Jack Ma is talking about being replaced with something else?

I love Jack Ma’s positive outlook and optimistic views of the future and for our future generations but so far it’s not looking very promising.

Jack Ma is right that AI should be used to fight poverty and disease. If it is not, there will not be much of a future for most people.

As of 2018, diseases and infectious diseases are on the rise and becoming epidemics, suicide rates are increasing, global warming isn’t being properly addressed and the drug addiction rate in the U.S. continues to climb.

This is something that I believe artificial intelligence can help humanity with but it needs to be a priority right now. The priority with current AI is to keep people connected to their devices and to buy more stuff that they don’t really need.

Elon Musk says, “I have exposure to the most cutting-edge AI and I think people should be really concerned about it.”

Global Regulations on AI Are Needed Now!

I share Elon Musk’s concerns, because creating super intelligent machines that can out-think any human and in the future will be able to think independently of its programming, is something that the world has never experienced before. Based upon humanity’s current track record with technology, this could get frightening.

I believe, Elon Musk is correct, and that we need to have global AI regulations, before we need to have global AI regulations, because, as he said, “then it’s too late.”

The truth is, most people don’t know much or anything about artificial intelligence. See my article: A Rapidly Approaching Technological Tsunami?

“Robots will be better able to do everything better than us.” ~ Elon Musk

When Jack Ma says the future will be painful for a lot of people and Elon Musk, says; “With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon. In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, its like – yeah, he’s sure he can control the demon and we know how that usually works out.” We should be listening in mass but most people are not.

Elon Musk says, “Robots will be able to do everything, bar none.” Basically, he’s saying that robots and AI will take over every job, including his.

“We are headed for superintelligence or civilization ending.” ~ Elon Musk

I agree, that humans will have to use technology to evolve, because we cannot and will not be able to control something that is a million times smarter than the smartest human on this planet.

We Are Already Programmed Machines / Cyborgs 

Elon Musk believes we are already Cyborgs and our phone and computer are extensions of ourselves.

I also believe that typing and tapping buttons is on its way out and computer voice recognition will be a standard operating practice in a few years. Within the next 5 years, we will be controlling our devices with our minds.

I have said before, that artificial intelligence is the next evolution of humanity and we have to emerge our intelligence and grow with it and beyond it. All humans, will have to become as smart and on the same level as our machines or we will be eliminated by them because something that has superintelligence and can program and build itself, won’t need humans.

At 27 minutes into the video above, Elon Musk talks about future cyborgification and transhumanism to overcome our current biological limitations.

“Governments move slowly and they tend to be reactive as opposed to proactive.” ~ Elon Musk 

Bill Gates says, “I think it’s inherent, that we have to keep in mind as we develop super intelligence, that it might not have the same goals in mind as we do.”

I wonder how something a million or billion times smarter than the smartest human would look at a biological human and if it could even relate to us?

I agree with Jeff Bezos, that artificial intelligence will improve every institution we have.” The question is, will it be created to improve every institution we have or will it be used to manipulate human mass consciousness or for war, which would could be the end of humanity?

To me the Rise of Artificial Intelligence is just like The Game of Thrones

I’ve always thought of the rise of artificial intelligence, like the Night King who is the master and King of the White Walkers.

While all the kingdoms, Kings and Queens, are fighting among each other for control, something much more powerful and probably undefeatable, (I’m sure George R. R. Martin will skillfully figure that out) is on the march. Many of the kingdoms don’t even know about the Night King and the White Walkers or wouldn’t believe in their existence.

We all thought Queen Daenerys I Targaryen, with her dragons was unstoppable but found out in the last series that even her and her dragons were no match for the Night King.

Has anyone else seen the same similarities with artificial intelligence and the Night King and the White Walkers?

Notice how robotic the Night King and the White Walkers are?

Also, notice how John Snow defeated death and came back to life. The rise of the biological human over death and disease, Transhumanism.

How to Prepare for What’s Coming In The Future

The best way to prepare for what is coming in the future, is to keep up on where technology is at and where it’s heading, especially artificial intelligence. This is something most people are not doing and they will be the ones left behind in this technological revolution.

A lot more great articles coming, if you like my content please bookmark it on your computer in your favorites. Thanks

Encourage your kids to learn to program and machine learning. I have some excellent recommendations and things that can help you and them get started on this journey.

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